PICkit 3 Programmer Create, Build and Run the Project Guide

PICkit 3 Microchip USB Programmer (1)

In this instruction,chipprogrammer.info show you guide on how to create,build and run project for PICkit 3 Programmer.

PICkit 3 Microchip USB Programmer (1)


1.Select and install the language tools (compiler, assembler, etc.) for developing your code. See the www.microchip.com web site for more choices.

2.Use the New Project wizard (File>New Project) to create a project, or open an existing project (File>Open Project).
3.Configure the debugger by right clicking on the main project and selecting “Properties.” Click on “PICkit 3” 犀利士5mg
for options.

4.Configure your language tools in the Properties dialog by clicking the language tool name for options. Click OK when done.

5.Check that the configuration bits in your code match the Recommended Settings listed on this poster.

6.To execute your code in Debug mode, perform a debug run by selecting Debug>Debug Project. A debug run will build the project, program the target with the image and debug executive, and start a debug session.OR To execute your code in Non-Debug (release) mode, perform a run by selecting Run>Run Project. A run will build the project, program the target with the image
and run the device.

To hold a device in Reset after programming, use the Hold in Reset icon in the toolbar instead of using Run Project.